The “Van Helsing 2 Trailer (2024)” continues the story of legendary monster hunter Gabriel Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) and the brave warrior Anna Valerious (Kate Beckinsale). In this second installment, Van Helsing faces a new dark force that has emerged, more powerful and dangerous than ever. This villain is behind terrifying supernatural creatures threatening the human world.
This battle not only takes place in the ancient lands of Europe but also extends to new territories where demonic forces and mysterious witches reign. Anna Valerious, who sacrificed herself in the previous film, is mysteriously resurrected and joins Van Helsing in the fight.
The film promises thrilling action sequences, a chase between Van Helsing and supernatural beings, and revelations about his own mysterious past. The complex romantic tension between Van Helsing and Anna will also add an intriguing element to this chapter.